Friday, 11 February 2011


28 years old
Lives in the UK
5 ft 9
Inactive 1979 - 2006
Active 2006

Slinkachu is a british street artist, photographer and blogger. He is best known for his little people, which insalled since 2006 at various locations in London.


This morning we took turns taking pictures of each other using a 'three-point light' setup. 'Three-Point Lighting' is a way to make the human face look more natural and appealing.

Here is an image I took this morning using the 'three-point lighting'

I think using three point lighting is very good, The pictures looked very professional and natural.

Friday, 4 February 2011

Making a pinhole camera with a pringles tube

What you need: Pringle tube, masking tape, foil, scissors, greaseproof paper

1.Cut the pringle tube just above the nutrition information with your scissors

2.put the greaseproof paper over the shorter end and put the cap on it to hold it

3.Tape the longer end on with masking tape

4.Wrap the whole tube in the foil with both ends visible.

5.Use masking tape to hold everything together.

6. You should now have a finished pringle tube camera obscura, look through the end without a cap in the dark and you should be able to see an updide down image.

What we did in this experiment...

In this experiment we set up 4 cameras and put masking tape as markers on the floor. One person walked down whilst we took a picture each time as they walked past... We did this to show movement in the same way the muoybridge did. We have done this to try and recreate muoybridges work...